Safeguarding Policy

Club Welfare Officer- Tracey Nunn. 


Mob number: 07764569741

Folkestone Invicta follow all aspects of the FA child protection policy, Respect principles, and Safeguarding guidelines.

 (See or call 01622 791850

Furthermore, as a club we specify further additional requirements suitable for our our day to day running. 

Folkestone Invicta FC encourages all children and parents with any welfare concerns of a child (Under 18), child on child concerns and/or behaviours of an adult towards a child to contact Tracey. Most issues can be sorted by Tracey with a child/ parent meeting, email and/or a chat at training. Issues may escalate to a scheduled meeting with Tracey, Head coach, Team managers/coaches and parents present.

Tracey Nunn will liaise with the Safeguarding team at the FA when appropriate.

At any time you are not able to contact Tracey Nunn CWO, with a Safeguarding concern or the matter is serious, then either contact:

County FA Welfare officer directly or call The FA/NSPCC 24 hour helpline for advice on 0800 800 500.

The Police or Children’s services can be called if necessary.


Folkestone Invicta Football Club

All personnel must have a fully updated club DBS and safeguarding certification. Until these are in place, they may not coach alongside the youth.

Club Safeguarding include:

  1. Meet and greet at the beginning of the season. CWO and the Head coach are introduced and contact details given. These are handed on hard copy, available on the website, in the clubhouse, team WhatsApp accounts and with all other personnel. The children are welcomed and given clear expectations. Eg behaviours to each other, shin pads, keeping safe.
  2. The Youth are age-appropriately presented with a ‘chat’ by the CWO (Tracey) explaining her responsibilities. Tracey will explain that she is the child’s (and parent’s) spokesperson and will help support however small their concern maybe. She is there to ensure they feel happy, safe and that the provision is safe. The importance of Mental health and positivity are discussed. Children are assured that they will be listened to and supported.
  3. Codes of conduct are discussed at the beginning of the season. Everyone is expected to sign their codes of conduct including players, parents, managers and coaches.
  4. Managers and coaches are encouraged to liaise about their players with Tracey as much as possible.
  5. The youth are told that all Youth coaches will have full kit at training. They are the Youth’s safe adults whilst within the club’s care. Personnel are told that they may not train the youth if they are not wearing full kit.
  6. All new personnel are interviewed by the CWO and Head coach. They are interviewed based on either coaching or Managing a team. Decisions are based on suitability, vacancies, age appropriated and character references. Interviewees are placed within teams and age ranges, and it is down to Folkestone Invicta discretion where interviewees are placed. No unauthorised personnel unless sanctioned by the club may be permitted around any of the youth. If successful, the online disclosure process and Safeguarding learning are initiated
  7. Mental health, positivity and fun are firm objectives at the club and are regularly discussed in age group meetings.
  8. All gates to be closed by personnel and parents. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Parents are encouraged to close all gates. Anyone who is not registered with Folkestone Invicta and who enters the training areas will be challenged.
  9. Children’s voice and feedback are encouraged throughout the age ranges. 1:1, group and team chats are held throughout the season when possible. Presentations are held to celebrate the children’s football.
  10. 10.Children are aware of the club’s welfare officer. This is consistently reminded to our youth.
  11. 11.Children do not ride in cars/vehicles of FI personnel.
  12. 12.Rotational play is followed with the younger age groups to ensure maximum play and enjoyment.
  13. 13.Reporting of all concerns is made as easy as possible and not kept within a team or the club.
  14. 14.Meetings, emails and calls are made by Tracey to ensure Managers and coaches are updated and informed.
  15. 15.All teams are supported by a qualified first aider.
  16. 16.Any outside/extra football events are reported and discussed between the team and club to ensure risks are assessed.
  17. 17.Social media/photography are not supported by the club. Censored photographs maybe used on FI platforms to celebrate football, with parental permission.
  18. 18.Folkestone Invicta will work alongside the community, outside agencies including the Police, and other football clubs to give the best provision possible to the youth.

Folkestone Invicta Youth complaints procedure.

All formal complaints should be in writing/email and sent to 

Tracey Nunn: Children’s welfare officer.

Mob: 07764569741.     Email:

Paul Stanton: Head Coach

Mob: 07818432444.     Email:

Tracey and Paul recognise the importance of complaints that are submitted. They will respond asap, and will deal with each complaint fairly and objectively. Folkestone Invicta Youth are committed to resolving any complaint effectively and efficiently. After sensitively dealing with the concern with meetings and internal enquiries, action will be taken where appropriate. Communication during the process between both parties is maintained.