We are delighted to confirm that our second batch of season ticket cards has now arrived and are available for collection from The Dugout.

This batch includes any cards bought online before 2nd August. Any supporters who wish to confirm if their card has arrived can email us at tickets@folkestoneinvictafc.co.uk

Season ticket card are also available to purchase (£10) for any supporters who purchased their season tickets in person in The Dugout during our July sales windows.

Tickets can be collected from The Dugout between 12-3pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday or 12-3pm Monday-Friday next week.

Alternatively, supporters can email tickets@folkestoneinvictafc.co.uk to arrange a collection time.

A third batch that includes all tickets purchased from 3rd August up until the start of the season has been ordered and we are currently awaiting delivery. More information will be communicated once they have arrived.