As we prepare for the start of a new season, the club would like to pay tribute and acknowledge the sterling work of someone who will not be here this season – Elaine Orsbourne, who stood down as Match Day Secretary at the end of last season.

Elaine had been with the club since 2012 having previously been with Ashford and has worked alongside both Neil Pilcher and Richard Murrill at Folkestone Invicta.

“Elaine has been a pleasure to work with” said Neil Cugley, Invicta’s Director of Football, who has worked with her for many years. “We all understand just how difficult the secretary’s job can be and she always did an excellent job and is very knowledgeable,” he added.

Richard Murrill will be Club and Match Secretary this season, assisted by Cat Morris who continues to do an excellent job with the Youth Section.

“Elaine’s knowledge, expertise and sense of fun/the absurd will be truly missed at the club,” said Richard. “To enter Elaine World is often a weird and wonderful place. She leaves without ever having any points docked or being thrown out of any cup competitions which is a good legacy. She is much respected around the League – in fact other clubs would often go to her for advice on secretarial matters and she has always been and remains a great help to me.”